Kenneth Beare
ESL Students and teachers can use the following short description of prescriptions in order to expand and check common English usage of terms relating to medical prescriptions, as well as treatments.
A prescription is written by a doctor to give patients medicine needed to alleviate symptoms or stabilize a medical condition that might be chronic in nature. The prescription is written by a physician in order to tell the pharmacist which medication is required. These often include a number of prescription abbreviations.
Prescriptions vs. Recommendations
Prescriptions are used for medications that a doctor feels is necessary for treatment. These are legal documents that are required in order to receive the medicine which is prepared by the pharmacist in a pharmacy. Recommendations, on the other hand, are courses of action that a doctor feels will be helpful for the patient. These could include simple daily tasks such as taking a walk or eating more fruits and vegetables.
Patient: … what about the problems I've been having sleeping?
Doctor: I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine to help you get a better night's sleep.
Patient: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Here, you can get this prescription at any pharmacy.
Patient: How often should I take the medicine?
Doctor: Just take one pill about 30 minutes before you go to bed.
Patient: How long should I take them?
Doctor: The prescription is for thirty days. If you're not sleeping well after thirty days, I'd like you to come back in.
Patient: Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night?
Doctor: Don't worry so much about things at work. I know, I know... easier said than done.
Patient: Should I stay home from work?
Doctor: No, I don't think that's necessary. Just remember to stay calm.
Prescriptions Include:
Patient identifier: first and last name of the patient, as well as the date of birth (DOB)
Medication (also named "drug"): The medicine that is prescribed
Strength: How strong the medication prescribed is (50 mg, 100 mg, etc.)
Amount: How often the patient should take the medicine
How much: Number of pills, tablets, etc. provided
Frequency: How often the patient should take the medicine
Route: How the patient should take the medicine (by mouth, topical, sublingual, etc.)
Refills: How often the prescription should be renewed
Signature: Signature of the physician writing the prescription
Date: The day on which the prescription was written
amount = how much
chronic = recurring, happening again and again
drug = idiomatic term used to refer to medicine
easier said than done = not easy to do
frequency = how often something is done
medical condition = illness, sickness, disease
medication = medicine
patient identifier = information that identifies a patient
pharmacist = person who has a license to prepare medications for patients
pharmacy = licensed store which sells medicine that requires a prescription
physician = doctor
prescription = order from a doctor for medicine
to refill = to provide medicine again based on a prescription
route = how medicine should be taken
strength = how strong the medicine is
sublingual = under the tongue
to alleviate = to make easier, to relieve
to get a good night's sleep = to sleep enough to feel rested
topical = placed on the skin
to stabilize = to make regular
to stay calm = to be relaxed
to take a pill = to take medicine by mouth