---Here, let me help you get these slippers off.
---You did a great job on that walk.
---You sure did, Ms. Adams.
---How are you feeling?
---Well, I'm kind of glad it's over.
---It will get easier, won't it?
---It will, hon. It will.
---That's what we're working towards.
---So if you both look at the board here, it's spelled out.
---Mr. Adams, I'm really glad that you're able to be here when we're walking with your wife because I think it's going to give you a better sense of what to expect once you're home and how her recovery is progressing.
--It certainly will.
--Now, we gave her the pain medication an hour before she walked, so she would feel comfortable.
---Then, as you saw, when we got her out of bed we had her sit on the edge of the bed to make sure she wasn't dizzy from the medications.
--Then we had her to stand for a minute to make sure she was okay before she started walking.
--That's going to be important to continue once you're at home.
---And we also talked about how important it's for Ms. Adams to get all of her medications on time at home.
--She's on a blood thinner to prevent blood clots,and walking also keeps her blood circulating and will prevent clotting as well.
---I really liked that little calendar you showed me that has all the times charted out.
---But, you know, I'm not sure either one of us is clear on the dose of each medicine.
---He's right about that.
---I'm really glad you told me this, this is exactly the kind of information I need to know.
---I'll go over the doses now, and we'll review them again when Ms. Adams is discharged.
---Plus, I have some printed materials to give you when you go home as well.
---Thanks, that'll be really helpful.